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We live in a world where everyone is online. Small local bakeries and large corporate firms are all taking advantage of the benefits of social media. But where does your company fit in? Shokwave offers a wide range of social media marketing services from branding photography sessions through to strategy planning and execution. If you're feeling a little lost, you've landed in the right place.

Presenting your business to customers in a way that speaks volumes.

- Social media audits

- Branding photography and video 

- Graphic design

- Caption copywriting

- Strategy planning

- Paid advertising

Social media audits

Understanding what is working and what isn't for your business is the first step to improving your social media presence. We'll look at your accounts along with your top competitors to get a better understanding of where things can change.

Branding photography & video

Social media is an extremely visual marketing tool, with LinkedIn stating that posts with images receive 98% higher comment rates than text-only posts. Getting your images just right is a key part of this process.

Graphic design

When the right photo just doesn't exist, enhancing your social media with well-thought-out graphic templates can be the stepping stone you need. Great for sharing statistics, reviews, or the latest office joke, get your brand noticed everywhere.

Caption copywriting

If you've got a great idea but just can't quite find the words to work, our copywriting services will relieve you of that burden. We'll create crushing captions than offer just the right amount of detail to leave your followers wanting more.

Strategy planning

You can't expect great results by going out on a whim. Social media takes time and planning your strategy can help you understand where you are and where you want to be, as well as how to get there. Whether it's deciding on the best platforms of how often to post, our strategy sessions are an absolute must.

Paid advertising

Boosting your social media presence with paid advertising can be a God-send, especially when you need to reach bigger audiences, fast. Through targeted campaigns, we can grow your audience and bring real leads through to your inbox.

The benefits of investing in social media support

Social media is often an after-thought when it comes to developing your marketing department. We've seen many times, the person responsible for posting across social media was pulled into it while also working a full-time role in another area of sales and marketing. Investing in professional support can mean many things for your business. Aside from the team at Shokwave brimming with creative ideas, you'll find your daily workload reduced while your brand's visibility increases. What more could you want?

- Improve brand awareness
- Increase your professionalism 
- Effectively manage multiple accounts
- Improve your visibility
- Reduce daily workload
- Increase creativity

Who are Shokwave?

We're a Corby-based content marketing agency offering services across all areas of copywriting. We also cover other aspects of digital marketing including email, social media, photography and SEO. 


We're lead by a team who have worked agency-side for over seven years, learning all the do's and don'ts around running an SEO and digital marketing agency. We're open and honest, telling you how it is when it comes to your success.

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